As we close down on another fire inspection season, we want to thank you and your staff who took time out of your busy schedules to take us around all of your buildings. The top five non-conformance items that we found this year were the following:
- Flammable and combustible items being stored on top of flammable storage cabinets.
- Classroom doors being chocked in the open position.
- Standpipe cabinets being blocked on stages.
- Electrical panels and service equipment being blocked.
- Exit diameters being encroached upon.
As you can see 4 of the 5 items really involve storage issues which unfortunately, is limited in most schools. We will be sending out a request for hazardous materials disposal, within the next month, which can help alleviate some of these issues. We are still focusing in on science storage areas and ask that your school district’s Chemical Hygiene Officer and Science Teachers be kept in the loop on the spring pickup.
We have started printing up more rescue window stickers, “Do Not Block” signs that are specific to electric panels/service equipment, and a few other labels that can serve as reminders for staff. If you need any “safety-related” stickers or labels, please reach out to Emily.
Enjoy your weekend and stay safe!