Our Professional Development team proudly offers hundreds of annual professional development sessions with regional classroom teachers and educational leaders. All our professional development COSER’s work together to provide high quality training and facilitation on various topics, as well as regional scoring, the Curriculum Forum, and the Technology Coordinator and Integrator Forum + Tecnology Solutions meeting (TCIF+TS). Attend any of our offerings or contact anyone on our professional development staff to plan and implement professional development at your school. Please contact Tim Clarke, Senior Program Manager for Professional Development, for more details: tim_clarke@caboces.org or 716-376-8321.
Professional Development COSER’s include:
- Athletic Coaching Staff Development (COSER 509 and 509.001)
- Bus Driver Staff Development (COSER 613 and 613.001)opens WORD file
- Community Schools (COSER 525)
- Computer Coordination and Support Services (COSER 518 and 518.001)
- Curriculum Development (COSER 524)
- Effective Schools (COSER 529 and 529.001)
- Regional Scoring (COSER 529.002)
- Capturing Kids Hearts (COSER 529.003)
- DASA – Dignity For All Students Act Training
- Substitute Reimbursement (COSER 529.010)
- Individual District Staff Development (COSER 529.020)
- Model Schools/Technology Integration (COSER 517)
- Model Schools Individual District Staff Development (COSER 517.010)
- Model Schools Staff Development Substitute Reimbursement (COSER 517.030
- Shared Professional Development (COSER 507)
- Shared Professional Development Activities (507.001)