New York State Education Department Approved Career and Technical Education programs are designed to provide a career pathway to students while satisfying many of the requirements for a Regents High School Diploma. Students learn, reinforce and apply academic skills such as ELA, Math, and Science in the context of their CTE program while they prepare for further study at the post-secondary level or direct entry into the workforce after high school. Students participate in internships and may earn valuable industry certifications and/or licenses. The curriculum is assessed against national recognized industry standards and meets the NYS Learning Standards. Our CTE Program Catalog provides information about all of the CTE courses available at CA-BOCES.
- Successful completers who meet all requirements, including passing the industry recognized written and performance assessments, earn a Technical Endorsement on their High School Diploma, signifying that they have exceeded the regular graduation requirements.
- Applied academics, including Science Applications for Business and Industry, Math Applications for Business and Industry, and Composition and Communication are an essential component of each approved CTE program, and one credit each can be distributed by the component district to satisfy the graduation requirement for the third units of Math and Science, and the fourth unit of ELA.
- Each CTE program has articulation agreements with colleges and universities, and students may receive college credit for some course work taken at the Career and Technical Centers.
- All CTE courses have access to multiple resources including Nanotechnology!