CTE Courses
- Animal Science
- Audio-Visual Production
- Automotive Technology
- Carpentry and Construction Trades
- Collision Repair and Auto Body Technology
- Cosmetology
- Criminal Justice
- Culinary Arts
- Early Childhood Education and Human Services
- Enriching Learning with Nanotechnology
- Heavy Equipment Operations
- Media Communications Technology
- Medical Assisting
- Natural Resources
- New Vision - Education Professions
- New Vision - Health Professions
- Power Equipment Technology
- Pre-Engineering and CADD
- Product Design and Manufacturing
- Welding and Metal Fabrication
Integrated science using Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology focuses on the characterization, fabrication, and manipulation of biological and nonbiological structures on the scale of 1-100 nanometers in size. Encompassing nanotechnology is nanoscience, nanoengineering and technology, as well as physics, chemistry, and biological sciences.
All CTE students will gain an understanding of the role nanoproducts play and be able to identify nanoproducts already in use. They will understand the importance of material science and engineering in the development of new products and the career path to jobs in the nanotechnology field.
Students will have the opportunity to operate the JEOL 6010LA Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), the Phenom ProX SEM, or Bruker Dimension Edge Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and use it to image, analyze, and manipulate materials at the nanoscale. They will also learn about sample preparation using a Cressington 108 Manual Sputter Coater.
Component school use of the SEM
- Host teacher training workshops to introduce Nanotechnology.
- Host component school science classes and introduce students to the world of Nanotechnology.
- Schedule and prepare samples for remote sessions.
Introduction to Nanotechnology (Nano 101) – Online
Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing field of STEM that embraces concepts from biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and physics. It encompasses the manipulation of very small materials, called “nanomaterials”.
Course goals included providing students with sufficient scientific and engineering knowledge necessary to understand:
- The differences between nano and bulk scale.
- How to choose or design nanomaterials with desired properties for particular applications.
- Using particular properties to invent products or solve problems.