Effective Schools (COSER 529)
CA BOCES Professional Development and Curriculum Coordinators work with national-level experts to gain knowledge and application in a variety of service areas. Professional development services are provided at BOCES sites, as well as on-site within your school district. We specialize in customizing our professional development services to meet your specific needs and criteria. The team members in this program attend regular meetings in Albany to remain current with changes in NYS standards and services.
Expertise areas include:
- New York State Learning Standards (Next Generation ELA/Math, Social Studies Framework, etc.)
- Curriculum Alignment and Development
- Assessment Alignment and Development
- Data Analysis and Data Driven Instruction
- Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) Technical Assistance
- Best Instructional Practices
- Current Trends and Topics in Education
For a current and complete listing of our offerings, please visit our opens in a new windowonline registration system or our opens in a new windowcalendar. Substitute and stipend reimbursement apply for this COSER. Contact opens in a new windowTim Clarke, Senior Program Manager for Professional Development, for assistance (tim_clarke@caboces.orgcreate new email or opens in a new window(716) 376-8321opens phone dialer).
Individual District Curriculum Coordination (COSER 529.020) – This service provides a professional development and curriculum coordinator on-site to facilitate the curriculum planning and delivery in your district.
Program Staff
- opens in a new windowTim Clarke, Senior Program Manager
- Mark Carls, Senior Coordinator
- Sarah Cartmill, Coordinator
- Janelle Freer, Coordinator
- Rob Griffith, Senior Coordinator
- Tessa Levitt, Senior Coordinator
- Anne Mitchell, Coordinator
- Brooke Neamon, Coordinator
- Jillian Putnam, Senior Coordinator
- Michelle Rickicki, Senior Coordinator
- Jessica Schirrmacher-Smith, Coordinator
- Lindsay Simpson, Coordinator
- Jenna Tost, Coordinator
- Cheri George, Keyboard Specialist
- Laurie Sledge, Data Integration Technician
- Anne Raymond, Material Aide
Exceptional Education Professional Development and Support (COSER 529.050)
Our Professional Development Department has a service that aims to bridge exceptional education with general education by providing support and training to classroom teachers on a wide range of topics related to exceptional education, including but not limited to, inclusion strategies, behavior management, accommodations and modifications, and individualized education plans, tier-one interventions, integrated co-teaching, and RtI/MTSS. This service is staffed by a dedicated professional with extensive experience in exceptional education within the region.
Program Staff
- opens in a new windowTim Clarke, Senior Program Manager
- Kristin Kurtzworth-Keen, Coordinator
- Cheri George, Keyboard Specialist
- Laurie Sledge, Data Integration Technician
- Anne Raymond, Material Aide
Model Schools (COSER 517)
CA BOCES Professional Development and Curriculum Coordinators on our Model Schools team specialize in educational technology integration. We place emphasis on quality instruction serving as the starting point for integrating technology into classroom practice with the intent to help teachers improve student learning. Model Schools learning opportunities are provided at BOCES sites, as well as on-site within your school district. We specialize in customizing our professional development services to meet your specific needs and criteria. The team members in this program attend state and national conferences and meetings to remain current with best practices.
Expertise areas include:
- Introductory Technology Training
- Model Lessons and Coaching
- One-to-One Device Implementation and Best Practice
- Best Instructional Practices
- Just-in-Time Professional Development
- Blended Learning
- Current Trends and Topics in Educational Technology
For a current and complete listing of our offerings, please visit our opens in a new windowonline registration system or our opens in a new windowcalendar. Substitute and stipend reimbursement apply for this COSER. Contact opens in a new windowTim Clarke, Senior Program Manager for Professional Development, for assistance (tim_clarke@caboces.orgcreate new email or opens in a new window(716) 376-8321opens phone dialer).
Program Staff
- opens in a new windowTim Clarke, Senior Program Manager
- Mark Carls, Senior Coordinator
- Robert Griffith, Senior Coordinator
- Brooke Neamon, Coordinator
- Lindsay Simpson, Coordinator
- Rick Weinberg, Coordinator
- Joshua Whiteman, Coordinator
- Cheri George, Keyboard Specialist
- Laurie Sledge, Data Integration Technician
- Anne Raymond, Material Aide
Individual District Technology Coordination (COSER 517.010)
This service provides a professional development and a technology coordinator on-site to facilitate technology integration and delivery in your district.
Community Schools Resources (COSER 525)
The Community Schools COSER is a new allowable service by the State Education Department that represents a strategy to organize resources so that academics, social and emotional needs, and medical and dental services and supports are integrated into the fabric of schools, all of which help remove obstacles to learning and serve the needs of the whole child so teachers are free to teach and students are ready to learn.
Substitute and stipend reimbursement apply for this COSER. Contact opens in a new windowKelli Forster, Coordinator for Community Schools Resources, for assistance (mailto:kelli_forster@caboces.orgcreate new email or (716) 376-8355opens phone dialer). For more information, please visit Community Schools.
Program Staff
- opens in a new windowTim Clarke, Senior Program Manager
- Kelli Forster, Coordinator
- Cheri George, Keyboard Specialist
- Laurie Sledge, Data Integration Technician
- Anne Raymond, Material Aide