Curriculum Coordination (COSER 524)
Curriculum Coordinators, Principals, Superintendents, and designated teacher leaders are invited to attend the regional Curriculum Forum hosted and facilitated by CA BOCES. The Curriculum Forms aims to provide updates from the State Education Department, share curriculum resources, and provide professional development to educational experts in local districts. The Forum convenes quarterly, with monthly online sessions. The Curriculum Listserv also connects members with each other, as well as with the State Education Department, and CA BOCES Curriculum Experts.
Please contact opens in a new windowTim Clarke, Program Manager for Professional Development, with questions and comments: tim_clarke@caboces.orgcreate new email or (716) 376-8321opens phone dialer. Please contact Laurie Sledge, Data Management Specialist, to register for any Curriculum Forum sessions or to be added to the Curriculum Listserv: laurie_sledge@caboces.orgcreate new email or (716) 376-8357opens phone dialer.
For meeting information, please find the TCIF+TS meetings at our registration page.