opens in a new windowDigital and Kit Resourcesopens PDF file
opens in a new windowISS Learning Resources Admin Bookletopens PDF file
Team Highlights:
- 23,822 bookable items through Learning Resources – 20,614 books and 3,208 kits
- Partner and provide services to the 22 regional school districts
- Stocked 96′ x 124′ warehouse with inventory and resources available for booking
- Provide shared services with districts on additional purchases of products
- Scheduled delivery and return of resources and interdepartmental mail to districts opens in a new window(School Year Delivery Schedule Twice Weekly)opens PDF file opens in a new window(Summer Delivery Schedule Once Weekly)opens PDF file
- Expanding products and services offered by each COSER constantly
Learning Resources COSER’s include:
Breakdown of opportunities:
- Over 60 in-class programs that connect students to nature without leaving the classroom
- A variety of outdoor programs that immerse students in a natural environment
- Kit materials that provide students with opportunities to interact with the environment

- 24 fully-equipped Distance Education rooms in CA BOCES component schools
- 17 Newly installed Zoom Carts/Rooms
- Onsite technical support and maintenance
- Scheduling and testing of all connections
- Archiving storage of course material
- 5 Zoom Pro Account included per district
- Research support for finding virtual field trips
- Coser 420 provided Zoom Kit per district
- Helpful Information
- Moodle
- Video Conferencing Courses
- Online Courses
- Virtual Field Trips
- Classroom-to-Classroom Connections
For more information, click through the tabs above.
Benefits of Video Conference Courses:
- Increase course choices
- Increase the depth of student transcripts
- Students could earn college credit at reduced rates
Access video conference course database.
Log in information is required
Contact Justin Shumaker with questions and for support.
Benefits of an online course:
- Increase graduation rates
- Expand course opportunities
- Cutting edge digital content and learning management systems provide the perfect learning environment for modern learners
- Reduces scheduling conflicts
- Flexibility to meet unique course requests
opens in a new windowStudent Registration
Please click on the links below to search the online course choices and syllabi. Please note that courses could not be available, contact us to confirm course availability.
- opens in a new windowEdmentum Course Catalog
- opens in a new windowImagine Learning (Edgenuity) Course Catalog
- opens in a new windoweDynamic Course Catalog
Moodle courses are offered and taught through CABOCES instructors.
Please contact us with any interests, we will be glad to provide course syllabi and answer and questions.
A few of the available courses are:
- Criminology
- Forensic Science 1
- Forensic Science 2
- Astronomy 1 A/B
- Anatomy & Physiology 1 A/B
- Anatomy & Physiology 2 A/B
- Agriscience 1
- Agriscience 2
- Archaeology
- Biotechnology 1 A/B
- Great Minds in Science
- Human Geography
- Marine Science
- Spanish 1 A/B
opens in a new windowStudent Course Contractopens PDF file
opens in a new windowOnline Course Student Feedback Survey
Contact Lisa Scott or Justin Shumaker with questions and for support
Not sure what exactly will fit your needs? We are here to help! With a collection of compiled resources, we can find the perfect experience for you and your students!
Know what Virtual Field Trip your classroom would like? Request your trip here!
Contact Catherine Dunkleman for all your virtual field trip needs.
- The CILC Collaboration Center is the venue for educators to meet, create a collaborative project, and share their reflections.
- Watch your email for upcoming collaborations.
Contact Catherine Dunkleman for assistance in making and finding connections.

Additionally, we also supply hard copy kits that provide tangible resources including coding and robotics, equipment, Leveled Reader kits, Real Care Babies/Empathy Belly, Play-based learning kits for early learners, book sets, and SEL kits.
- Author Study
- Focus Readers
- Jennifer Serravallo Go-To Books for Writing
- Nancy Akhavan Noteworthy Nonfiction
- Other Media Kits
What is the School Library System?
In 1984, the New York State Legislature established School Library Systems. Each School Library System is a state funded program providing a variety of resources for the school library and the school librarian. Funding comes from the library component of the New York State budget. Resources available from the School Library System include system wide databases and regional resource sharing for all member libraries.
Inter-Library Loan
FREE book loaning via the Union Catalog and OCLC. Do you have classes that you are taking and need a book?
For questions/concerns, contact Kristy_Watson@caboces.orgcreate new email or 716-376-8245.
Music Library Materials (CoSer 510.200)
Districts may purchase and share sheet music for band and choir.
- opens in a new windowAnnual CASLS Evaluationopens WORD file
- Annual Report: 2022-2023opens PDF file
- C3 Minutes
- CASLS Council Minutes
- CCD Planopens PDF file
- Empire State IFC
- Evaluation Formopens PDF file
- CASLS Evaluation Summary 2023-2024opens WORD file
- opens in a new windowFive Year Plan : 2021-2026opens PDF file
- Member Directoryopens WORD file
- School Library Program Rubric
- opens in a new windowSelection of Materialsopens PDF file opens WORD file

- Kelli Grabowski
- STEM Coordinator
- (716)376-8285
- Kelli_Grabowski@caboces.orgcreate new email

- Matthew Bucholz
- STEM Coach
- (716)376-8279
- matthew_bucholz@caboces.orgcreate new email

- Liz Phinney
- Keyboard Specialist
- (716)376-8272
- Elisabeth_Phinney@caboces.orgcreate new email

- Anita Norton
- Educational Materials Aide
- (716)376-8296
- anita_norton@caboces.orgcreate new email

- Tim Sage
- Educational Materials Aide
- (716)376-8288
- Timothy_Sage@caboces.orgcreate new email

- Patrick Herrick
- Courier Driver
- (716)376-8356
- patrick_herrick@caboces.orgcreate new email

- Jay “Wes” Gilbert
- Courier Driver
- (716)376-8356
- Jay_Gilbert@caboces.orgcreate new email

- Jim Shufelt
- Educational Materials Aide
- (716)376-8303
- james_shufelt@caboces.orgcreate new email
For questions about any of the kits listed below, please contact Kelli Grabowski or Liz Phinney.
Advancing STEM Kits
Advancing STEM is a complete curriculum that aligns with all 2016 K-5 NYS Science Learning Standards. The curriculum was written by over forty educators from over twenty school districts in the Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES and Erie 2 Chautauqua BOCES regions. All curriculum materials including the Distance Learning Guides can be viewed at www.advancingSTEM.com. Also available is a curated book list providing bookable titles (multiple and single copies) that are relevant to the science content in the kit.
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5

- opens in a new windowEyes on the Sky: Investigating Weather Patterns
- opens in a new windowIt’s a Matter of Pushing Or Pulling: How Objects Move
- opens in a new windowOne Under The Sun: Plant and Animal Interactions with the Sun and Their Environment
- opens in a new windowSpot the Differences: Changes To the Environments
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
- opens in a new windowForced to Stick With It: Motion and Magnetism
- opens in a new windowHand-Me-Down Genes: Life Cycles and Traits of Butterflies
- opens in a new windowI Will Survive: Organisms Surviving in Different Environments
- opens in a new windowWeather Around the World: Data Trends, Water Cycle, and Hazards
Grade 4
- opens in a new windowCenturies of Change: Processes That Shape the Earth
- opens in a new windowFull of Potential: The Effects of Energy
- opens in a new windowMakin’ Waves: Patterns of Waves and Information Transfer
- opens in a new windowParts of a Whole: Internal and External Plant and Animal Structures
Grade 5
- opens in a new windowA Light Snack: Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
- opens in a new windowModels of the Earth: Earth’s Systems and Water Resources
- opens in a new windowChemistry in the Kitchen: Structure and Properties of Matter
- There’s No Place Like Home: Stars & the Solar System – Booking not available at this time.
Engineering Kits
Engineering is Elementary (K-5) and Engineering Everywhere (6-8) are curricula developed by the Boston Museum of Science that focuses on engineering and science. They are aligned to the NYS Science Learning Standards and present real-world challenges that encourage students to explore multiple ways to solve a problem in diverse fields of engineering
Engineering is Elementary
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Engineering Everywhere
Grades 6-8

Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grades 6-8
- opens in a new windowDon’t Runoff: Engineering an Urban Landscape
- opens in a new windowFood for Thought: Engineering Ice Cream
- opens in a new windowGo Fish: Engineering Prosthetic Tails
- opens in a new windowGrowing Up: Engineering Vertical Farms
- opens in a new windowHere Comes the Sun: Engineering Insulated Homes
- opens in a new windowIt’s About Time: Engineering Timers
- opens in a new windowIt’s in the Bag: Engineering Bioinspired Gear
- opens in a new windowOutbreak Alert!: Engineering a Pandemic Response
- opens in a new windowPlants to Plastic: Engineering Bioplastics
- opens in a new windowPut a Lid On It: Engineering Safety Helmets
Lab-Aids Kits (add-on)
Lab-Aids is a research-based kit curriculum designed specifically for grades 6-8 by Lab-Aids, Inc and aligned to the 2016 NYS Science Learning Standards.
Physical Science
Life Science
Earth and Space Science

Physical Science
Life Science
Legacy Kits
Legacy Kits (including Health Kits) are titles aligned to the 1997 NYS Science Learning Standards. Some of these are being phased out and may require notifying staff to reserve.
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
- opens in a new windowEcosystem (Pond Life)
- opens in a new windowElectromagnetism
- opens in a new windowIncubation and Embryology
- opens in a new windowLooking At Liquids
- opens in a new windowNature’s Forces and Simple Machines
- opens in a new windowOur Brain and Its Systems
- opens in a new windowRocketry
- opens in a new windowRocks, Minerals, and Landforms
- opens in a new windowSolar System