Substitute and Teacher Stipend Reimbursement
An added piece of value to our professional development COSERS (517.030, 525, and 529.010) is the ability for member districts to submit claims for reimbursement on substitutes or summer stipends for teachers (maximum substitute and stipend reimbursement up to $250.00 per day per teacher/substitute).
What is allowable for reimbursement?
According to NYSED, activities are allowable for reimbursement if they involve teachers participating in shared activities under CA BOCES COSER’s. Payment of the substitute or stipend is to be made by the district and submitted to BOCES for reimbursement. If you have questions about whether or not certain activities are allowable, please contact opens in a new windowTim Clarke, Program Manager for Professional Development: tim_clarke@caboces.orgcreate new email or (716) 376-8321opens phone dialer.
What is NOT allowable?
It is clear that allowable activities are those that directly involve CA BOCES staff or consultants. Since these are professional development COSER’s, certain activities are clearly not allowable. Such activities include: CSE/CPSE Meetings, Pre-K or Kindergarten Screening, Assessment Proctoring, Pre-Observation and/or Post-Observation Conferences, Report Card Preparation, IEP Preparation or Writing, Child Study Team Meetings, Association Meetings, or other activities that would not normally be considered to be professional development. Please note: CA BOCES cannot reimburse for substitutes or stipends for activities from other BOCES (e.g., Erie 1). If you have participated in activities with another BOCES, please contact them for their reimbursement process. If you have questions about whether or not certain activities are allowable, please contact Tim Clarke, Program Manager for Professional Development: tim_clarke@caboces.orgcreate new email or (716) 376-8321opens phone dialer.
Each component school district has access to substitute reimbursement reports within our online registration system. District administrators or clerks may contact Laurie_Sledge@caboces.orgcreate new email for information on how to access this information. All reports can be completed in the district, signed by the superintendent, and then sent to:
BOCES Courier: Tim Clarke, CA BOCES Barn
Email: tim_clarke@caboces.orgcreate new email
Fax: (716) 376-8438opens phone dialer
Mail: Tim Clarke, 1825 Windfall Road, Olean, NY 14760
Cross Contracts
Cross contracts must be completed whenever another BOCES is providing services or programs for a CA BOCES component school district. Such cross contracts are necessary to ensure the contracting district receives the aid available under the specific COSER. The following procedure must be followed to establish a cross contact:
- The District Superintendent of CA BOCES must receive from the superintendent of the local district a written request (email) to participate in a specific COSER.
- CA BOCES sends a letter to the local district acknowledging receipt of the request.
- CA BOCES sends to the other BOCES’ District Superintendent a letter informing her of the request.
- The cost of the program/service provided by the other BOCES will be included on the regular invoice sent by this BOCES, and the charge must be paid to this BOCES as part of the monthly bill.