CoSer 300’s: Itinerant Teacher Services
Instructional Support Services Division provides a wide range of itinerant teaching services in the non-core academic areas. Districts who request itinerant instructional services share a teacher up to a 60% FTE (3 full days per week per teacher). The costs are distributed to schools based on the amount of service time requested from each of the shared districts. BOCES is responsible for the hiring, supervision, and evaluation of all itinerant staff. Two requesting schools are required in order to utilize these COSER’s. Additional Itinerant COSER’s could include: Foreign Language, Health Education, Driver Education, Food Supervisor, Technology Education, Advanced English, Advanced Math, Advanced Science, Advanced Social Studies, Agriculture, Occupationally Related Areas, Theater, Dance, Gifted and Talented, Math Intervention, Science Intervention, Social Studies Intervention, Remedial Reading, Pre-Kindergarten, and Secondary Remediation
- CoSer 301: Bi-Lingual/English as a New Language (ENL)
- CoSer 302: Family and Consumer Science (FACS)
- CoSer 307: Art
- CoSer 312: Music
- CoSer 317: Library/Media Specialist
CoSer 402: County Government Student Intern Program and Exploratory Enrichment
The County Government Student Intern program is a hands-on learning experience for high school seniors that exposes them to the processes of county government and takes place at the county office buildings. Students meet one day/week with our County Government teacher, who facilitates their learning through department presentations, discussions and debates on current events. Cattaraugus county schools participate from September-December; Allegany county schools participate from January-June.
- CoSer 402.000 – Base Service (Required)
- CoSer 402.010 – Enrichment Programs
Also included in this COSER are opportunities for districts to coordinate Exploratory Enrichment programs according to the COSER guidelines. The event or experience must be a program that exceeds or is different from content offerings found in standard courses, and align to NYSED Learning Standards. For example, anti-bullying and character education presentations and programs; the Challenger Learning Center programs; Young Entrepreneurs Association program; and educational tours to various destinations. Participation in COSER 403.000 is required if not participating in the County Government Program. Visit website for specific COSER/SED guidelines and more information.
CoSer 403: Arts in Education
Through this service, districts can provide students with engagement in the arts in a variety of ways including but not limited to cultural field trips, art/music lessons and performances, museums and art exhibitions. Students may also experience the arts by attending regional live theatrical performances throughout the year.
- CoSer 403.000 – Base Service (Required)
- CoSer 403.010 – Arts in Education – Individual
This service allows participating school districts to purchase student tickets to arts related educational events according to the COSER guidelines. Artists in residence and authors can be brought into districts with prior CA BOCES Board of Education approval. Visit website for specific COSER/SED guidelines and more information. - CoSer 403.040 – Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra
Students in participating districts may attend a regional live orchestral concert performed by the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, during their educational concert series. Enrichment instructional materials are also provided to teachers to help make this a truly rewarding cultural experience for all students.
CoSer 405: Regional Academic Summer School
Regional Academic Summer School provides summer courses for middle and high school students in Allegany and Cattaraugus counties at one or two locations. The program is designed to enable students to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to gain credit towards graduation within the framework of the New York State Summer School requirements. Participating schools may enroll students in Math, English, Social Studies, Science, as well as additional on-line courses. Districts may also register students for August Regents Exams and Driver Education.
- CoSer 405.020 – Middle and High School Courses
- CoSer 405.030 – Driver Education
- CoSer 405.040 – Tests Only
CoSer 416: Environmental Education
Environmental Education offers over 50 exciting hands-on, scientific programs for your students to learn the fundamentals of our environment provided by our environmental science teacher. Students will dig into the study of the effects of natural and unnatural processes, and of interactions of the physical components of the planet on the environment. Special environmental education programming is available at an additional cost and includes options such as Science On Seneca and Camp Allegany. Additionally, guest presentation programs such as Hawk Creek, Bwana Jim, the Planetarium, and the Nature Ed-Ventures are available for an additional fee that is aidable by BOCES.
- CoSer 416.000 – Base Service (Required)
- CoSer 416.010 – Environmental Ed-Residential Overnight Camp
Residential overnight camping experiences are designed for middle school students. School and CA BOCES staff work together to develop goals and environmental education teaching staff serve as a support to help member schools reach those goals.
CoSer 420: Distance Learning
The Distance Education program coordinates and supports the sharing of courses and content between local districts as well as across New York State and the world. Videoconferencing allows for synchronous high school/college connections and K-12 Virtual Field Trips/collaborations. Asynchronous online courses are offered with mentor support for credit recovery and credit accrual. Training, technical support, and storage on the Moodle course management system also allows teachers to create their own online courses. Zoom provides web-based video conference capabilities and aids in desktop-to-desktop meetings or training. Field Trip Zoom Zone provides on-demand virtual field trip experiences and is a FREE add-on for districts.
Keeping you connected to each other and the world with:
- 24 fully-equipped Distance Education rooms in CA BOCES component schools
- 92 Polycom endpoints
- 17 Newly installed Zoom Carts/Rooms
- Onsite technical support and maintenance
- Scheduling and testing of all connections
- Archiving storage of course material
- One Zoom Pro Account per district
- Fieldtrip Zoom Zone access for all participating districts
- CoSer 420.000 – Base Service (Required)
- CoSer 420.010 – Online Courses
Open enrollment is available to start students on the path to course completion for credit recovery, for course accrual for transfer students, or for unique course needs. CA BOCES provides full student support with NYS certified teachers who travel to participating districts to mentor students enrolled in online courses.
Benefits of online courses include: - Increased graduation rates
- Expanded course opportunities
- Reduced scheduling conflicts
- CoSer 420.011 – Virtual Field Trips
Virtual Field Trips are a great way to flip the field trip. Rather than taking students to the destination, VFTs bring the destination to the classroom. There are many free and fee-based trips with experts and locations from across the globe. We will do all the work for you and your students, from helping you find the perfect trip and destination to ensuring all the technical details and support are in place. - CoSer 420.020 – Equipment
Technical equipment purchases that provide video conference connections to other participating school districts. - CoSer 420.098 – Zulama Online
Zulama, an Entertainment Technology Curriculum, is available as an added service. Zulama teaches both analog and digital game design via computer coding in middle school and high school.
CoSer 501: Educational Communications
Educational Communications provides engaging digital, equipment, and kit resources that support and enhance classroom instruction in the form of streaming video clips, digital content, web-based presentation, reading, STEM and assessment preparation programs, classroom book kits, leveled readers, DVDs, and curricular media. Training and technical support for all products is also provided. This COSER includes lamination and DVD duplication services at no additional charge.
- Insignia provides teachers and students 24/7 access to our digital and hard copy media. Access all media and kits at http://resources.caboces.org.
- Digital media usage will continue to expand as digital natives continue to fill classrooms and teachers seek to meet their needs.
Sample Robotic Kits: Bee Bots, Cubelets, Littlebits, Osmo Coding Kits, Ozobots, Spheros, and many more!
Sample Equipment Kits: Baby Think It Overs, Go-Pro Cameras, iPads, Class Set Books, and many more!
Included Digital Content: Brain Pop, Brain Pop Jr., Brain Pop ESL, Castle Learning, CueThink, Discovery Streaming, Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center, Learn 360 (videos), The Mailbox, MathSeeds, Nearpod, PBS Learning Media, Quaver Music, Reading Eggs, Soundzabound, Study Island, TeachingBooks, Tigtag, Tigtag Jr, and Twig.
- CoSer 501.000 – Base Service (Required)
- CoSer 501.100 – Digital Content ONLY (No Physical Resources)
- CoSer 501.600 – Complete Package (Digital Content AND Physical Resources)
CoSer 506: Extracurricular Activity Coordinator
Through this service, student teams from the CA BOCES region participate in annual challenges and competitions that provide opportunities for them to exercise critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration and promote the practice of good sportsmanship.
- CoSer 506.001 – Odyssey of the Mind
- CoSer 506.002 – Scholastic Challenge
- CoSer 506.003 – FIRST LEGO League
- CoSer 506.004 – FIRST LEGO League Kits
- CoSer 506.008 – VEX Robotics
- CoSer 506.010 – Scholastic eSports
CoSer 507: Shared Staff Development
This service is for administrators or teachers supporting collaborative and consortium learning that is shared between at least two districts. This COSER also supports elements of implementation. Districts use this COSER to share professional development and related contracts when two or more schools districts are involved in joint professional development. Matching districts must prove cost savings in sharing the contract beyond receiving BOCES aid.
Consult our website for specific COSER/SED guidelines.
- CoSer 507.000 & 507.001 – Base Service (Required)
- CoSer 507.002 – Shared Staff Development (Aided in-district shared events)
CoSer 509: Staff Development – Athletic Coaching
CA BOCES operates an NYSED approved in-service program designed to provide the three necessary courses necessary for athletic coaching for Certified Teachers and Non-Teachers in online formats. CA BOCES is also an approved provider of First Aid and CPR/AED training in New York State.
Courses are scheduled throughout the year. Visit our website for course offerings and schedules.
- CoSer 509.000 & 509.001 – Base Service (Required)
CoSer 510: Library Services
This service provides collections of databases, periodicals, newspapers, and reference resources. Teachers and students can use multiple, searchable databases for informational text and research projects. Our Database Service provides access to major online resources and eBooks. This service also allows for district purchase of various databases.
Included within this service are World Book Online, Tumble Books, Noodle Tools, and NewsBank.
- CoSer 510.000 – Base Service (Required)
- CoSer 510.005 – OverDrive
Overdrive is an addition to Library Services that provides faculty, staff, and students access to electronic books. Participating schools have access to a unique collection of books selected and purchased by its school librarian, as well as a shared collection selected and purchased by the CA BOCES School Library Systems Coordinator. - CoSer 510.100 – Databases
Add databases to your collection. - CoSer 510.200 – Music Library
The shared Music Library allows districts to purchase and share sheet music. Visit our website to search titles: resources.caboces.org
CoSer 517: Model Schools Technology
CA BOCES Professional Development and Curriculum Coordinators on our Model Schools team specialize in educational technology integration. We place emphasis on quality instruction serving as the starting point for integrating technology into classroom practice with the intent to help teachers improve student learning. Model Schools learning opportunities are provided at BOCES sites, as well as on-site within your school district. We specialize in customizing our professional development services to meet your specific needs and criteria. The team members in this program attend state and national conferences and meetings to remain current with best practices.
Expertise areas include:
- Introductory Technology Training
- Model Lessons and Coaching
- One-to-One Device Implementation and Best Practice
- Best Instructional Practices
- Just-in-Time Professional Development
- Blended Learning
- Current Trends and Topics in Educational Technology
For a current and complete listing of our offerings, please visit our online registration system or our calendar. Substitute and stipend reimbursement apply for this COSER.
- CoSer 517.000 & 517.010 – Base Service (Required) – This service MUST be purchased with COSER 518.000 & 518.001
- CoSer 517.030 – Substitute Reimbursement
- CoSer 517.011 – Individual District Technology Integration
- CoSer 517.020 – Technology and Data Integration
CoSer 518: Computer Coordination and Support Services (Technology Coordinators)
Technology Coordinators and Integrators play such a critical role in today’s highly technical learning environments. This quarterly meeting during the school year provides collaboration and new learning on effective technology integration, software, hardware, mobile device management, etc. The meeting features presentations from classroom teachers and students and how they have used technology in their classrooms and in their learning. We partner with our Information Technology department to provide updates on services and trends. Forum attendees are also connected to key information through the TCIF Listserv.
- CoSer 518.000 & 518.001 – Base Service (Required) – This service MUST be purchased with COSER 517.000 & 517.010
CoSer 520: Industry – Education Activities Coordinator
This program offers ‘Behind the Scenes Career Explorations’ during the school year that provide high school students with experiences to observe a variety of careers in action. Students travel to various destinations in Western New York that target specific careers, tour the facility and explore the skill sets and education required to be successful in those career paths.
- COSER 520.000 – Base Service (Required)
CoSer 521: Instructional Materials – Science, Engineering, Health, Math and STEM
Membership in the Instructional Materials program (COSER 521) provides access to all hands-on and standards-aligned classroom curriculum resources for learning experiences in the elementary (Grades K-6 – COSER 521.001) and middle level (Grades 7-8 – COSER 521.002) classrooms. Over one hundred kit titles can be ordered online to be delivered directly to your school. Kits are outfitted with all the resources needed to deliver the curriculum in a classroom of up to thirty students and include teacher training and support as well. Visit our website for all kit titles: https://caboces.org/services/learning-resources/instructional-kit-program/
- CoSer 521.000 – Base Service (Required)
- CoSer 521.001 K-6 – Curriculum Kits
Advancing STEM is a complete curriculum that aligns with all 2016 NYS Science Learning Standards for grades K-6. The curriculum was written by over forty educators from over twenty school districts in the Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES and Erie 2 Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES regions. All curriculum materials can be reviewed at www.advancingSTEM.com. Teachers in this service also have access to Engineering is Elementary kits, a curriculum developed by the Boston Museum of Science that focuses on engineering and science. Our Legacy Kit titles (aligned to 1997 NYS Science Learning Standards), including Health Kit titles, are also available. The Star Lab may also be reserved through this service. - CoSer 521.002 7-8 – Curriculum Kits
Lab-Aids is a research-based kit curriculum designed specifically for grades 7-8 by LabAids, Inc. and aligned to 2016 NYS Science Learning Standards. Kits in this program are provided for Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science. - CoSer 521.003 K-12 STEM Kits
CoSer 524: Curriculum Coordination Services
Curriculum Coordinators, Principals, Superintendents, and designated teacher leaders are invited to attend the regional Curriculum Forum hosted and facilitated by CA BOCES. The Curriculum Forum aims to provide updates from the State Education Department, share curriculum resources, and provide professional development to educational experts in local districts. The Forum convenes quarterly, with monthly online sessions. The Curriculum Listserv also connects members with each other, as well as with the State Education Department, and CA BOCES Curriculum Experts.
- CoSer 524.000 – Base Service (Required)
CoSer 525: Community Schools Resources
The Community Schools Resources Service represents a strategy to organize resources so that academics, social and emotional needs, and medical and dental services and supports are integrated into the fabric of schools. This work helps to remove obstacles to learning and serve the needs of the whole child so teachers are free to teach and students are ready to learn. The community schools strategy focuses on four key components; collaborative leadership, expanded learning opportunities, integrated student supports & services and family engagement. Overall, the goal of the strategy is to strengthen schools, improve student learning, create stronger families and healthier communities. Member districts have access to professional development and other resources that benefit the child, school, and community. Visit our webpage for more information.
- CoSer 525.000 & 525.100 – Base Service (Required)
- CoSer 525.465 – Mentoring Services
- CoSer 525.466 – School Physician Services (School Medical Director)
CoSer 529: Effective Schools (Professional Learning)
CA BOCES Professional Development and Curriculum Coordinators work with national-level experts to gain knowledge and application in a variety of service areas. Professional development services are provided at BOCES sites, as well as on-site within your school district. We specialize in customizing our professional development services to meet your specific needs and criteria. The team members in this program attend regular meetings in Albany to remain current with changes in NYS standards and initiatives.
Expertise areas include:
- New York State Learning Standards (Next Generation ELA/Math, Social Studies Framework, etc.)
- NYS Curriculum Modules
- Curriculum Alignment and Development
- Assessment Alignment and Development
- Data Analysis and Data Driven Instruction
- Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) Technical Assistance
- Best Instructional Practices
- Current Trends and Topics in Education
For a current and complete listing of our offerings, please visit our online registration system (register.caboces.org). Substitute and stipend reimbursement apply for this COSER. This service can also provide a professional development and curriculum coordinator on-site to facilitate the curriculum planning and delivery in your district.
- CoSer 529.000 & 529.001 – Base Service (Required)
- CoSer 529.002 – Regional Scoring
- CoSer 529.003 – Capturing Kids Hearts
- CoSer 529.010 – Substitute Reimbursement
- CoSer 529.020 – Individual District Curriculum Development
- CoSer 529.030 – RTI Math/ELA Coach
- CoSer 529.040 – Leadership Institute (Call to Leadership)
CoSer 613: Bus Driver Staff Development
This service provides bus driver programs in other areas such as discipline, safety, drug and alcohol testing program and physical performance testing management. Required bus driver courses include: 3-hour Pre-Service, 2-hour Refresher courses and a 10-hour Advanced course. Also included in this COSER is the Bus Monitor/Attendant Basic Course, pre-service/refresher as well as the Physical Performance Testing for both bus drivers and bus monitors/attendants.
- CoSer 613.000 & 613.100 – Base Service (Required)