Apply and Take the TEAS Test
Follow these steps to enroll in the LPN Program
We are currently accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year. The following steps need to be completed as part of the application process
- Either apply online at the link below or submit your completed paper application to CA BOCES Practical Nursing Application to Adult Education and Workforce Development, 1825 Windfall Road, Olean, NY 14760
- opens in a new windowApplication
For a paper application, please call us at (716) 376-8264opens phone dialer.
- opens in a new windowApplication
- Arrange to have an official High School transcript or High School Equivalency Transcript of GED®/TASC™ Test Scores sent directly toAdult Education and Workforce Development, 1825 Windfall Road, Olean, NY 14760
- Take and pass the ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills); we will administer these exams at our Olean and Belmont centers (dates/times to be announced soon).
The TEAS exam consists of four sections:- Reading: paragraph comprehension, passage comprehension, and inferences/conclusions.
- Math: whole numbers, metric conversion, fractions, decimals, algebraic equations, percentages and ratio/proportion.
- Science: science reasoning, science knowledge, biology, chemistry, basic physical principles and general science.
- English and Language Usage: punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, contextual words and spelling.
- Submit your Admission Essay/Success Plan to the Adult Education and Workforce Development, 1825 Windfall Road, Olean, NY 14760 (instructions for this essay will be emailed to the email on file once we receive your TEAS scores).
- Submit a physical exam with required immunizations to the Adult Education and Workforce Development, 1825 Windfall Road, Olean, NY 14760 (the form will be mailed to the address on the application when it is time to complete it).
- Complete a pre-admission interview
- Criminal background checks will be required prior to the start of classes – opens in a new windowBackground Clearances Instructions for Studentsopens WORD file
- American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers and First Aid Certification will be provided in August at an additional cost to the student, or can be obtained on your own time.
- Details will be included with an acceptance letter.
- Apply for financial aid
TEAS – frequently asked questions
Do I have to take the TEAS exam?
Yes, all applicants must take a pre-entrance exam to be considered for acceptance. If you have already taken the TEAS exam, we require an official transcript of the results sent directly from ATI. Request transcripts from ATI by calling 1-800-667-7531opens phone dialer.
How can I best prepare for taking the TEAS?
Visit opens in a new windowwww.atitesting.com. ATI offers review products: a study manual and an online assessment. The following are also helpful links:
Can I use a calculator on the TEAS?
Yes, however, you may only use a four-function calculator.
How long will it take for me to get my TEAS scores?
Your results will be available online immediately after finishing the exam.
What is considered a passing score on the TEAS?
We look for a combined score of 55 on the TEAS exam to be considered for the program or both a 60 on the Math and a 50 on the Reading.
Additional Information
Additional resources for enrolling in the LPN Program
- opens in a new windowAdditional Requirements for Pennsylvania Licensureopens PDF file
- Practical Nursing 2025-2026 Calendar (coming soon)
- opens in a new windowCourse Descriptionsopens PDF file
- opens in a new windowOccupational Outlook (U.S. Bureau of Labor)opens PDF file
- opens in a new windowSCHOLARSHIPS INFORMATIONopens PDF file
- opens in a new windowStudent Learning Outcomesopens PDF file
- opens in a new windowRequest for Re-admission for Previous PN Studentsopens PDF file
- opens in a new windowTuition Assistance Informationopens PDF file
- opens in a new windowAlternative Loan Information (SallieMae Smart Option Student Loan)