Category: Safety Blog

Housekeeping for Safety

Did you know that over 2/3 of all accidents involve housekeeping in some way, shape, or form? Approximately 2.5 million disabling injuries happen in the service industry every year with a cost of over 100 billion dollars (Hellman & Associates). This week’s “Safety Snippet” highlights some common housekeeping issues and is from the National Safety Council. Happy Friday and Stay Safe!

Fall Heating Tips

As we awake to cooler mornings, now is the time to brush up on fire safety and conduct maintenance on our heating systems that will carry us through the winter. Stay safe and enjoy your weekend!

Ten Essential Actions

Good morning and Happy Friday! As we close the first week of school, for many of us, here is a few reminders published by U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), to help keep our schools safe. Enjoy your weekend and stay safe!

Pedestrian Safety

This morning’s safety snippet is from “Safe Kids Worldwide” and deals with pedestrian safety, particularly children. As we move closer to returning to school and with so many distractions that are in our world today, it is important that we stay aware out there. Stay safe!

School Bus Safey Handout

This week’s safety snippet comes to us from the School Bus Safety Company. This handout is drawing our attention to the “Danger Zones” around school buses and several reminders of our how students should behave around school buses as we prepare to go back to school. Stay safe!

Back to School Safety

As we prepare for the return of teachers and students here is a list of topics, from “”, to elicit some thoughts and promote discussions as we get ready for the school year. Stay Safe!

Lithium Batteries

This week’s safety topic is a document from OSHA, with several links at the end to other reputable sites, that can help us better understand the issues that can occur with lithium-ion batteries. We have all seen clips of the fires that can be caused by “thermal runaway” so here are some tips and sites to keep us better prepared. Stay safe!

AHA Hand-only CPR

In recent news, we have heard of another young athlete suffering a cardiac arrest in which CPR and quick access to an AED made the difference. Our safety tip this week is from the American Heart Associate. It explains how to perform “Hands-only CPR” so if you witness a sudden cardiac arrest, you can do something. Stay safe!

Power Outage Checklist

With the summer heat comes summer storms that may impact our electric supply. Here is a helpful checklist from the American Red Cross to help us be better prepared in case we lose power. Stay Safe!