CoSer 200: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Counseling, Speech Therapy, Adaptive Physical Education
These related services are provided within BOCES classrooms. If any of these services are needed for students in BOCES Exceptional Education classrooms, use the 200 series program service codes. Evaluation can also be provided for: FBA’s speech, OT, PT, APE, vision and deaf education. In addition, tutoring and interpreter services are available.
CoSer 201: 1:8:1
This option provides a teacher and aide for up to eight students. This classroom is designed to provide a smaller class size for students whose academic/cognitive, and/or social needs require this level of support. This program is designed to meet the needs of students who have been diagnosed primarily with an emotional disturbance. Some classrooms operate as an inclusionary program. Services are provided at district-based sites. Locations: Washington West; Olean Middle School; Olean High School; Delevan; Pioneer Middle School; Scio; Wellsville; Franklinville Elementary; Franklinville Middle School; Franklinville High School.
CoSer 202: 1:12:1 with Teacher Assistant Support
This option provides a teacher, an aide and a teacher assistant. The teacher assistant helps set up and support student internships. This program operates in a district based high school setting and Elm Street Academy. Focus is on meeting the CDOS requirements. Locations: Elm Street Academy; Pioneer High School; Olean High School.
CoSer 203: 1:12:1
This option provides a teacher and an aide for up to 12 students. Students are grouped by similarity of academic, cognitive or physical need. This program is designed to meet the needs of students who have been diagnosed primarily as learning disabled, speech impaired or intellectually disabled. Services are provided at district-based sites. Locations: Elm Street Academy; Scio; Washington West; Olean Middle School; Delevan.
CoSer 205: 1:6:1
This option provides a teacher and an aide for up to six students. This program is designed to meet the academic and behavioral needs of students who have been diagnosed with autism or similar needs. Services are provided at district-based sites, Elm Street Academy and Rise Academy, program included ABA support. Age ranges for classrooms are 5-21.
CoSer 206: 1:6:2.5 Intensive
This option provides a teacher and a counselor, aide and part time home liaison for up to six students. Age ranges for classrooms are 5-21. Counseling, home school liaison services, and support from a Child Psychologist are included. This program is designed to meet the academic, behavioral and social needs of students with significant emotional and/or behavior disabilities. Some classrooms are in a stand-alone location and others are at district-based sites. Locations: Pioneer Middle School; Pioneer High School; Genesee Valley School; Franklinville Elementary; IJN.
CoSer 209: 1:12:3
This option provides a teacher and one staff person to three students. Students are grouped by similarity of cognitive or physical need. This program is designed to meet the needs of students who have been diagnosed primarily with multiple disabilities. The program provides a self-contained classroom. Services are provided at district-based sites. The program is for students age 5-21. Locations: Wellsville High School; Elm Street Academy; Olean Middle School.
CoSer 211: Teacher Aide
This service provides a teacher aide to work with special education students in either district, BOCES-operated classrooms. It can also be used to provide skilled nursing services.
CoSer 304: Deaf/Hearing Impaired
The services of a teacher of the deaf provide instruction and/or consultation to deaf or hard of hearing students. Services are offered for students age 5 to 21.
CoSer 305: Speech Improvement for Non-Handicapped Students
This program provides instruction by a speech therapist to students who are in need of speech and language services but are not classified as special education. Instruction can be provided for grades K-12. This service is limited to 60% with BOCES aid.
CoSer 308: Visually Impaired
The services of a teacher of the visually impaired provide instruction and/or consultation to blind or partially sighted students. Services are provided for students age 5 to 21. Students receive instruction in Braille, as well as support aides, both mechanical and in supply form (talking books, large print books, etc.).
CoSer 309: Consultant Teacher
This service provides a special education teacher to provide instruction to special education students. It can be direct and/or indirect instruction. This program is designed for students ages 5-21. It provides supplementary instruction only, in district classrooms, private schools or at the career and technical education centers.
CoSer 311: School Psychologist
This program provides the services of a school psychologist. Typical duties would include testing as well as counseling. This service is limited to 60% with BOCES aid.
CoSer 311.010: School Psychologist – Summer
This program provides the services of a school psychologist during the summer months.
CoSer 311.016: Individual Counseling Services for Non-BOCES Special Education Students
This program provides individual counseling for special education students that are not enrolled in BOCES special education classrooms. Refer to CoSer 200 for students in BOCES special education classrooms.
CoSer 311.116: Group Counseling Services for Non-BOCES Special Education Students
This program provides group counseling for special education students who are not enrolled in BOCES special education classrooms. Refer to CoSer 200 (page 17) for students in BOCES special education classrooms.
CoSer 313: School Guidance Counselor
This program provides the services of a school guidance counselor. Counseling may be career or non-career oriented, but not IEP counseling sessions. This service is limited to 60% with BOCES aid.
CoSer 313.010: School Guidance Counselor – Summer
This program provides the services of a school guidance counselor during the summer. Counseling may be career or non-career oriented.
CoSer 319: Physical Education
This program provides the services of a physical education teacher to provide physical education instruction on an itinerant basis. This service is limited to 60% with BOCES aide.
CoSer 319.019: Adaptive Physical Education – Individual Sessions for Non-BOCES Special Education Students
This program provides individual sessions of Adaptive Physical Education for students who are not enrolled in BOCES special education classrooms. Refer to CoSer 200 (page 19) for students in BOCES special education classrooms.
CoSer 319.119: Adaptive Physical Education – Group Sessions for Non-BOCES Special Education Students
This program provides group sessions of Adaptive Physical Education for students who are not enrolled in BOCES special education classrooms. Refer to CoSer 200 (page 19) for students in BOCES special education classrooms.
CoSer 320: Occupational Therapy
This program provides the services of an occupational therapist to provide instruction on an itinerant basis. Services are provided by a registered occupational therapist (OTR) or a certified occupational therapy assistant (COTA) under the supervision of an OTR
CoSer 320.017: Occupational Therapy – Individual Sessions for Non-BOCES Special Education Students
This program provides individual occupational therapy sessions for special education students that are not enrolled in BOCES special education classrooms. Refer to COSER 200 (page 19) for students in BOCES special education classrooms.
CoSer 320.117: Occupational Therapy – Group Sessions for Non-BOCES Special Education Students
This program provides individual occupational therapy sessions for special education students that are not enrolled in BOCES special education classrooms. Refer to COSER 200 (page 19) for students in BOCES special education classrooms.
CoSer 320.227: Occupational Therapy Evaluations
Initial evaluations are completed when requested by the CSE Chairperson. The cost is per initial evaluation completed. Occupational therapy evaluations are done on an annual basis for all students who receive OT services from BOCES.
CoSer 321: Physical Therapy
This program provides the services of a physical therapist to provide instruction on an individual, itinerant basis.
CoSer 321.018: Physical Therapy – Individual Sessions for Non-BOCES Special Education Students
This program provides individual sessions of physical therapy to students not enrolled in BOCES special education classrooms.
CoSer 321.228: Physical Therapy Evaluations
Initial evaluations are completed when requested by the CSE Chairperson. The cost is per initial evaluation completed. Physical therapy evaluations are done on an annual basis for all students who receive PT services from BOCES.
CoSer 323: Speech Therapy
This program provides individual speech therapy to special education students by FTE.
CoSer 323.015: Speech Therapy – Individual Sessions for Non-BOCES Special Education Students
This program provides individual speech therapy to special education students not enrolled in BOCES special education classrooms.
CoSer 323.115: Speech Therapy – Group Sessions for Non-BOCES Special Education Students
Initial evaluations are completed when requested by the CSE Chairperson. The cost is per initial evaluation completed. Speech therapy evaluations are done on an annual basis for all students who receive speech services from BOCES.
CoSer 323.225: Speech Therapy Evaluations
Initial evaluations are completed when requested by the CSE Chairperson. The cost is per initial evaluation completed. Speech therapy evaluations are done on an annual basis for all students who receive speech services from BOCES.
CoSer 327: Social Worker
This service provides social work services to districts through a shared MSW. Duties include development and implementation of individual services plans; recommendations for services; conducting studies of the home and school environments in order to assess the appropriateness of action plans; and maintaining records as necessary. This service is limited to 60% with BOCES aide.
CoSer 335: Diagnostic and Prescriptive Services
This service provides behavior management and or academic intervention and prevention strategies, assessments and recommendations for districts. It is provided on an itinerant basis. It is limited to 60% with BOCES aide. This service does not provide services if listed on IEP’s.
CoSer 425: Alternative Education
This option is for general education or special education students who would benefit from a non-traditional education. Class size is small. Services are provided at the Elm Street Academy in Cuba and Ellicottville Central School. Available for students in grades 9-12 (Contingent on Enrollment numbers). Programs are provided that allow students to work toward meeting their graduation requirements. Counseling and consultant teacher services are included. Locations: Elm Street Academy; Ellicottville Central School.
Contact: Christopher McNell 716-376-8339opens phone dialer – christopher_mcnell@caboces.orgcreate new email
Contact: Charles Gardner 716-699-2316 x 1205opens phone dialer – charles_gardner@caboces.orgcreate new email
CoSer 519: Special Education Committee Support/CSE Chairperson
This program provides services to school districts on an itinerant basis. The service provides coordination and support for students with disabilities, most often in the form of a CSE (Committee on Special Education) chairperson. This individual’s duties include chairing the committee and coordinating CSE activities.
CoSer 519.010: Special Education Committee Support/CSE Chairperson – Summer
This program provides services to school districts on an itinerant basis during the summer months. The service provides coordination and support for students with disabilities, most often in the form of a CSE chair.
CoSer 803: School Age Extended School Year Classrooms
Special Education classrooms operating the same ratios provided during the school year. Locations: Pioneer Schools; Olean Schools; Scio.
CoSer 808: School Age Extended School Year Related Service Only
CoSer 809: 12:1:2 – Preschool Special Class
This program operates in district based elementary buildings. School year and extended school year. Locations: Washington West; Genesee Valley; Franklinville Elementary.
CoSer 814: 1:1 – Preschool
Aides school year and extended school year. Locations: Franklinville Elementary; Wellsville Elementary; Genesee Valley Elementary; Washington West.