Professional Rec Form

The following questions are on a scale from 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent)
Rate student from 1-5 on Attendance (Poor: frequently absent/tardy, Excellent: always on time/early, hardly ever absent)
Verbal Communication Skills(Required)
Rate student from 1-5 on Verbal Communication Skills
Ability to Work Independently(Required)
Rate student from 1-5 on Ability to Work Independently
On Time Assignment Completion(Required)
Rate student from 1-5 on On Time Assignment Completion
Ability to get Along with Peers(Required)
Rate student from 1-5 on Ability to get Along with Peers
Rate student from 1-5 on Responsibility/Accountability
Overall CTE Readiness(Required)
Rate student from 1-5 on Overall CTE Readiness
Ability to Build and Maintain Relationships(Required)
Rate student from 1-5 on Ability to Build and Maintain Relationships

Contact Information

Please provide us with your name and contact information.