Category: Safety Blog

Extreme Cold Safety

Good morning and Happy Friday!  This week’s safety snippet deals with the more extreme cold temperatures and things to think about as it pertains to working in them as well as first aid for exposure.  The resources this come to us from: OSHA, University of Rochester, and

On behalf of everyone here at Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES Health and Safety we wish you a safe and Happy Holiday Season!



Winter Work Safety Presentation

Good morning and happy Friday.  This week’s safety snippet is a hodgepodge of winter safety focusing on driving.  The links below are the same that are in the PDF Power Point, which was created for the CA BOCES Print Shop and couriers.  Districts, please feel free to copy, amend, and share as you see fit.  Credit for the YouTube videos go to comedian Charlie Berens, Progressive Insurance, and Ohio’s Bureau of Worker’s Compensation.

If you want the Power Point original, send me an email or call the CA BOCES Health and Safety Desk (716) 376-8276, and we will get it to you.

Midwest Winter Driving School

Everything You Need To Know About Driving In The Snow

Snow & Ice Safety

Holiday Safety Packet

Good morning and Happy Friday!  After the long week of winter weather, and the approaching holiday season, we thought we would do a “Holiday/Winter Safety Packet.”  These resources and checklists are from a wide variety of sources, we hope they help getting us all thinking on how to be better prepared this winter.  Enjoy your day and have a great weekend!

Lead in Drinking Water

Good afternoon.  We have been fielding some questions on this topic, lately, both locally as well as statewide.  The link is an example of appropriate signage for non-potable fixtures which has the actual pictogram from the Plumbing Code and was created by the CA BOCES Print Shop.  The snippet is the slide deck from a presentation given by the New York State Department of Health regarding lead in schools.



Enjoy your week and Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tis the Season

Good morning and happy Friday!  As we have the first measurable snowfall, and it looks like more later next week, we felt it prudent to get the winter weather and cooking safety snippets out today.

The heavy wet snow that we have out there is commonly referred to as “heart attack snow” and for good reason.  Be sure to take breaks and if you start to feel chest pain/discomfort/heaviness or other serious signs and/or symptoms, call 911.

As for the holidays, please remember to keep school exit doors, exit passageways/corridors, and exit discharges clear at all times.  We have also had districts reach out regarding live Christmas Trees in classrooms and this is a potential fire hazard.  There are several fire codes that apply to either allow or restrict natural vegetation in schools and if you have any questions regarding this, please reach out to Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES Health and Safety Desk for consultation.  We are also developing a holiday fire safety cheat sheet that we will send out to our Facilities folks later today.

Winter Weather – Hazards/Precautions | Occupational Safety and Health Administration

NFPA – Winter holidays

From all of us Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES Health and Safety we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and we are thankful for all that you do for your school community.

Ladder Safety Resources

Good morning and Happy Friday!!  This week’s safety snippet is all about ladders.  The resource link is from the American Ladder Institute and has a few additional safety/training resources other than the OSHA Fact Sheets.

American Ladder Institute

In closing, please remember to think about and thank our veterans for their service and dedication to our country on Monday!  Stay safe and enjoy your weekend!

Tractor Safety

Good afternoon, Happy Monday!  This safety snippet is better late than never and involves farm tractor and implement safety.  While an essential machine, these can be extremely dangerous if safety precautions are not taken.  Enjoy your day and have a great week!

Small Engine Safety

Good morning and happy Friday!  This week’s safety snippet comes from the Ohio State University Cooperative Extension regarding safe operations of multiple small engines.  This can also be used as a training tool for new employees and students if you choose.  Stay safe out there and enjoy your weekend!

Carbon Monoxide

Good morning and happy Friday! While the temperatures have been dropping it is important to have your fuel fired appliances tuned up and make sure your Carbon Monoxide detectors are installed and working properly. This week’s safety snippet is a couple Carbon Monoxide Fact Sheets to remind us of what this gas can do and how it is created. Remember that Carbon Monoxide has no smell or taste, and the symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning mimic the flu.

Stay safe out there and have a great weekend!